On noise!: philosophy - art - organization

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press (2020)
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This book explores the obnoxious behavior and movements of noise. However, what is noise? What is it doing to us and to our world? How can we live and move with noise? How do we produce and distribute our own noise? These questions and many more are discussed through a philosophical investigation of noise. Starting off from the statement that â ~noise is natureâ (TM), it soon becomes clear that there is more to noise than just nature. In an attempt to deal with nature, we have started to order it and put it into boxes. One of these boxes is the container for living, the peculiarities of which harken back to the musings of Plato on his cave and catapult us into contemporary times where office cells mirror those of the monastery. Although any definite answers will be absent, there is still much to tell about noise, even if it remains in the realm of the obscure or the obscene.



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