New books and articles

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Apr 27th 2024 GMT
New books
  1. Data over dialogue: Why artificial intelligence is unlikely to humanise medicine.Joshua Hatherley - 2024 - Dissertation, Monash University
    Recently, a growing number of experts in artificial intelligence (AI) and medicine have be-gun to suggest that the use of AI systems, particularly machine learning (ML) systems, is likely to humanise the practice of medicine by substantially improving the quality of clinician-patient relationships. In this thesis, however, I argue that medical ML systems are more likely to negatively impact these relationships than to improve them. In particular, I argue that the use of medical ML systems is likely to comprise the (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Parfitian or Buddhist Reductionism? Revisiting a Debate about Personal Identity.Javier Hidalgo
    Derek Parfit influentially defends reductionism about persons, the view that a person’s existence just consists in the existence of a brain and body, and the occurrence of a series of physical and mental events. Yet some critics, particularly Mark Johnston, have raised powerful objections to Parfit’s reductionism. In this paper, I defend reductionism against Johnston. In particular, I defend a radical form of reductionism that Buddhist philosophers developed. Buddhist reductionism can justify key features of Parfit’s position, such as the claims (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Welfare Subjectivism, Sophistication, and Procedural Perfectionism.Shu Ishida
    Welfare subjectivists face a dilemma. On the one hand, traditional subjectivist theories—such as the desire-fulfillment theory—are too permissive to account for the well-being of typical mature human beings. On the other hand, more “refined” theories—such as the life-satisfaction theory—are too restrictive to account for the well-being of various welfare subjects, including newborns, those with profound cognitive impairments, or non-human animals. This paper examines a class of welfare subjectivism that addresses this dilemma with sensitivity to the diversity in welfare subjects. First, (...)
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Apr 26th 2024 GMT
New books
  1. Selbst philosophieren: Ein Methodenbuch.Gregor Damschen & Dieter Schönecker - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Die dritte, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage des bewährten Studienbuches wurde um elf Einträge erweitert: Abduktion (Schluss auf die beste Erklärung), Clusterdefinition, Experimentelle Philosophie, Explikation, Kontextdefinition, Kriterien, Methode, Naturalistischer Fehlschluss, Neologismus, notwendig und hinreichend – mengentheoretisch und Stipulative Definition. Zudem enthält der Band einen wertvollen Anhang mit einem philosophischen Kanon, den wichtigsten logischen Regeln und einem umfangreichen Register, das neben den deutschen auch alle wichtigen englischen Fachbegriffe umfasst. Wer philosophieren will, muss, methodisch betrachtet, vor allem drei Dinge tun: analysieren, argumentieren und interpretieren. (...)
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volume 42, issue ?, 2023
  1. Problem świeckości państwa a wyzwania nowoczesności. Na marginesie Religii i neutralności światopoglądowej państwa Ryszarda Panasiuka.Marcin Bogusławski
    Punktem odniesienia mojego tekstu jest wystąpienie Ryszarda Panasiuka poświęcone idei świeckości państwa, którą traktuję jako składnik nowoczesności. W kontekście kryzysu wywołanego rozwojem nowoczesności stawiam pytanie o możliwość podjęcia działań prewencyjnych. Utrzymuję, że ich skuteczność zależy od tego, czy możliwe jest spojrzenie na obecną sytuację z perspektywy zewnętrzności (transgresja), do której odnoszą się światopoglądy często pozostające ze sobą w konflikcie. Twierdzę, że świeckie państwo stwarza szansę na owocny dialog tych światopoglądów stwarzając szansę na realizację działań prewencyjnych.
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  2. Etyka gatunku Jürgena Habermasa jako propozycja uregulowania biotechnologicznego postępu.Olena Dubchak
    Według Jürgena Habermasa w warunkach eugeniki liberalnej ludzka samowiedza gatunku może ulec zmianie, dlatego należy wprowadzić regulacje, które pozwolą sprawować kontrolę nad wykorzystywaniem i nad rozwojem nowych biotechnologicznych metod. Zachowanie obecnej samowiedzy jest ważne, aby zapewnić podstawę dla funkcjonowania uniwersalistycznie pojmowanej moralności, pozwalającej osobom w sposób sprawiedliwy regulować swoje konflikty. Na dwie przesłanki samowiedzy gatunku składa się: postrzeganie siebie przez osoby jako wyłącznych autorów własnego życia oraz jako członków społeczeństwa, między którymi panują symetryczne relacje. Zachowanie takiej samowiedzy nie jest możliwe (...)
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  3. Wstęp.Krzysztof Kędziora
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    O trudnościach w recepcji Schellinga – uwagi na marginesie prac Ryszarda Panasiuka.Leon Miodoński
    Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje dwie zasadnicze kwestie. Pierwsza to zagadnienie recepcji filozofii Schellinga w Polsce po drugiej wojnie światowej. Druga to pytanie, w jaki sposób należy rozumieć abstrakcje filozoficzne Schellinga. Za podstawę interpretacji przyjęto kontekstualne rozumienie filozofii, na jakim opierał się w swoich badaniach Ryszard Panasiuk. Z tych dwóch założeń podstawowych wynika struktura artykułu: część pierwsza dotyczy sposobu, w jaki ideologia marksistowsko-leninowska, wychodząc z klasowo-dialektycznego i „partyjnego” rozumienia filozofii, uznała idealizm filozoficzny za wroga. Punktem odniesienia będzie koncepcja Georga Lukácsa „Die Zerstörung (...)
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  5. Hermes-Merkury – antyczna alegoria Łodzi i nieodkryty patron zrównoważonego rozwoju.Przemysław Owczarek
    Od połowy XIX w. w miastach przemysłowych Zachodu pojawiają się liczne detale architektoniczne eksponujące postać i atrybuty Hermesa-Merkurego, greckiego boga: handlu, kupców i złodziei, opiekuna podróżnych, posłańca bogów i psychopomposa, władcy pisma i komunikacji, pieniądza i wszelkich miar. W synkretyzmie aleksandryjskim Hermes objawia się jako prorok Trismegistos, strażnik wiedzy tajemnej (czarodziej i lekarz z różdżką kaduceuszem), patronuje alchemicznym przemianom i wraz z innymi tajemnicami sztuki królewskiej oraz ezoteryczną wiedzą współtworzy tradycje masońskie. Hermes-Merkury stał się patronem przemysłu, starożytną ikoną nowoczesności i (...)
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  6. Problem wolności i zła w myśli Kanta (Religia w obrębie rozumu) i Schellinga (Filozoficzne badania nad istotą ludzkiej wolności).Paweł Pieniążek
    Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu Kantowskiej koncepcji wolności i zła na myśl Schellinga z tzw. pisma o wolności. W pierwszej części przedstawiam trudności wyjaśnienia zła jako kategorii moralnej na gruncie koncepcji wolności ujętej jako racjonalna autonomia i przedstawionej w Uzasadnieniu metafizyki moralności i Krytyce praktycznego rozumu: Kant utożsamia wolność z posłuszeństwem prawu moralnemu i tym samym nie jest w stanie ugruntować możliwości samego wyboru dobra i zła, jak również osobowego i jednostkowego charakteru wolności człowieka jako zmysłowo-rozumnej całości. Następnie pokazuję niesatysfakcjonującą (...)
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    Jałowymi ideami intelektualista się nie pożywi… Profesor Ryszard Panasiuk o swojej drodze naukowej, warszawskiej szkole historii idei i marksistowskiej utopii.Kamil Piskała
    Profesor Ryszard Panasiuk przez ostatnich kilka dekad należał do grona wiodących polskich filozofów. Jego książki na temat Hegla, ruchu młodoheglowskiego czy Marksa należą do kanonu historiografii idei. Publikowany tutaj obszerny wywiad z Profesorem może stanowić wartościowe i oryginalne źródło do historii inteligencji i humanistyki w tzw. Polsce Ludowej. Profesor Panasiuk opowiada w nim o swojej karierze naukowej, jednocześnie kreśląc obraz przemian akademickiego środowiska filozoficznego w powojennej Polsce. Wiele uwagi poświęca również swojej relacji z Bronisławem Baczką i innymi wybitnym reprezentantami Warszawskiej (...)
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volume 19, issue 1, 2024
  1. China’s Assertive Foreign Policy and Global Visions Under Xi Jinping.Zekeriyya Akdağ
    China, which has made a major economic breakthrough, has become one of the most important actors in international politics by increasing its military power in recent years. China's increasing power and influence in the international arena arouses increasing curiosity about the country's foreign policy. With Xi Jinping becoming president, China began to display a more assertive attitude or behavior on many issues. This study basically seeks an answer to the question of what differences Xi Jinping brought to Chinese foreign policy. (...)
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  2. İbnu’r-Rûmî’nin Abdülmelik b. S'lih İçin Nazmettiği Methiyesinin Tematik İncelemesi.Esat Ayyıldız
    Bu makalede, Abbâsî dönemi şairlerinden İbnu’r-Rûmî’nin Abbâsî hanedanlığının bir üyesi olan Abdülmelik b. Sâlih için nazmettiği methiyesinin tematik bir incelemesinin yapılması planlanmaktadır. Bu analiz, İbnu’r-Rûmî’nin methiyesinin karmaşık katmanlarına derinlemesine bir bakış sağlamaktadır. Methiye, bilhassa Abbâsî döneminin Arap edebî geleneğinde önemli bir yeri bulunan şiirsel bir ifade biçimidir. Yapılan çalışmanın konusu, methiyedeki tematik unsurların araştırılmasına ve İbnu’r-Rûmî’nin hem övgüsel hem de eleştirel anlayışa sahip bir anlatı oluşturmak için dili ve imgeleri nasıl kullandığının ortaya çıkartılmasına dayanmaktadır. Araştırmanın kapsamı, bahis mevzu methiyenin tarihî (...)
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  3. From Dual Roles to Dynamic Equilibrium: An Overview of Theoretical Perspectives Used in Studies Addressing Work-Life Struggles of Working Mothers.Merve Gerçek
    There has been much scholarly attention given to the role of women in the labor market throughout the years. While there are plenty of evaluations of ideas and perspectives regarding work-life concepts, there is limited understanding regarding the theoretical foundation of work-life concerns specifically about mothers. This study aims to provide an overview of theories used to investigate the work-life issues of working mothers. The data were collected from the Web of Science database. A total of 63 research studies examining (...)
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  4. Kent Kültürü ve Kentlilik Bilinci: Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Örneği.Esat İlter
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, kent kültürü ve kentlilik bilincinin gelişmesi noktasında kentin merkezi ve yerel yönetimlerine ait kurum ve kuruluşlarının, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi akademik personelini ne derecede dikkate aldıklarını belirlemek, akademik personelin kent kültürü ve kentlilik bilincinin gelişimi konusundaki algı düzeylerini ortaya çıkarmak ve araştırma bulgularına dayalı olarak önerilerde bulunmaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi’nde görev yapan 1.086 akademik personel oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmaya Erzincan ilçelerinde bulunan yüksekokul ve meslek yüksekokulları zaman darlığı ve ulaşım zorluklarından dolayı dahil edilmemiştir. Gerek yerleşkede (...)
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  5. Differentiated Integration in the EU Regarding the Migration Crisis: Disputes Between the Member States.Buket Ökten Sipahioğlu
    The European Union (EU) has been challenged by several crises lately. In addition to Brexit, the Euro crisis, and the migration crisis; global issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine affected the EU. The migration crisis, on the one hand, differs from the above-mentioned crises with one remarkable feature. The member states have no real consensus about forming a common migration policy. Besides, for geographic reasons, some member states put much more burden on immigrants. Agreeing (...)
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  6. Kapsamı, Yöntemi ve Tarihsel Gelişimi Bağlamında Sınır Sosyolojisi.Kerem Özbey
    Sosyolojinin yeni bir alt dalı olarak 1990’lı yıllarda ortaya çıkan sınır sosyolojisi, sınır ve toplum ilişkilerinin karşılıklı etkileşimini konu edinen ve sınır ve toplumsal değişme arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamayı amaçlayan bir bilimsel disiplindir. Soğuk Savaşın son bulması ve Sovyetler Birliği’nin çöküşü, Berlin Duvarı’nın yıkılması, yeni devletlerin ortaya çıkması, Avrupa Birliği’nin genişlemesi, küreselleşme ve teknolojik gelişmeler sınır sosyolojisinin ortaya çıkmasında doğrudan doğruya etkili olmuştur. Söz konusu gelişmeler sınırların yeniden düşünülmesini gerektirmiştir. Toplumların kuruluşunda sınırların nerede yer aldığı, sınırların kimlik ifade etmede nasıl bir (...)
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  7. Ergenlerin Influencer Pazarlama İçeriklerine Yaklaşımları: Bir Okuryazarlık Araştırması.Gülden Özkan & Mehmet Halim Arslan
    Teknoloji ve medya araçlarının gelişmesi ve farklılaşmasıyla birçok yeniliğin hayatlarımıza girdiğine, buna bağlı olarak markaların da reklam ve pazarlama stratejilerini değiştirdiklerine tanık olmaktayız. Geleneksel reklamcılık anlayışının haricinde son zamanlarda sosyal medya ortamlarında sıklıkla gördüğümüz ve markaların önemli yatırım bütçeleri ayırdığı influencer reklamcılık/pazarlama içerikleri hatırı sayılır bir şekilde çocukları ve ergenleri de hedeflemektedir. Bununla birlikte ergenlerin influencer pazarlama/reklamcılık karşısında reklam okuryazarlık becerilerini nasıl işe koştukları hakkındaki mevcut duruma ilişkin bilgimiz sınırlıdır. Bu çalışma, ergenlerin bilişsel, duygusal ve ahlaki reklam okuryazarlığı becerilerinin influencer (...)
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  8.  4
    Discourse of Foreign Digital Media: Analysis of the 2023 Turkish Presidential Election Coverage.Özden Özlü
    This study examines the complex dynamics of communication in the changing field of journalism influenced by the use of media. It specifically focuses on how thoughts and perceptions are expressed in this evolving landscape. Information and communication technologies significantly influence journalism by rapidly disseminating news, updates, and societal impacts. Utilizing critical discourse analysis, the study aims to reveal systematic language usages and uncover latent meanings beyond news texts. Focused on the 2023 Turkish Presidential Election, news texts from four prominent international (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Should the use of adaptive machine learning systems in medicine be classified as research?Robert Sparrow, Joshua Hatherley, Justin Oakley & Chris Bain
    A novel advantage of the use of machine learning (ML) systems in medicine is their potential to continue learning from new data after implementation in clinical practice. To date, considerations of the ethical questions raised by the design and use of adaptive machine learning systems in medicine have, for the most part, been confined to discussion of the so-called “update problem,” which concerns how regulators should approach systems whose performance and parameters continue to change even after they have received regulatory (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. The information, control, and value models of mobile health‐driven empowerment.Jesse Gray, Seppe Segers & Heidi Mertes
    Mobile health tools are often said to empower users by providing them with the information they need to exercise control over their health. We aim to bring clarity to this claim, and in doing so explore the relationship between empowerment and autonomy. We have identified three distinct models embedded in the empowerment rhetoric: empowerment as information, empowerment as control, and empowerment as values. Each distinct model of empowerment gives rise to an associated problem. These problems, the Problem of Interpretation, the (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1.  2
    A Foray into the Worlds of Plants and Fungi.Federico Comollo
    In his extensive and revolutionary work, the biologist and philosopher Jakob von Uexküll examined the animal kingdom, laying the first foundations for a wider reflection on non-human animal agency in ecosystems. However, the scientist did not include in his reflection on Umwelt plants and fungi, widely considered passive organisms in the 1900s. In this paper, we will try to find the contact points between the biologist’s theories and contemporary botanical discoveries, taking into account some of the findings on plant agency, (...)
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  2.  3
    Deleuze and Biosemiotics: Biological Emergence, Agency, and Subjectivity in Logic of Sense and A Thousand Plateaus.Peter M. Lang
    A vital step to successfully orienting Deleuze with biosemiotics (and theories of biological complexity overall) is to discover a coherent scientific throughline in his work that also accounts for the aesthetic/creative dimension of his philosophy. This requires the heterodox move (from a Deleuzean point of view) of giving priority to the organism. I argue that Deleuze’s treatment of the organism does more than signal a superficial relation to biological complexity theory that, as a result of his nuanced take on the (...)
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    How Agents Use Biological Codes and Artifacts to Interpret their Innenwelt and make Sense of their Mitwelt.Robert Prinz
    The article reconciles contentious issues between code biology and biosemiotics. The framework of semantic biology and molecular meaning woven around organic codes by Marcello Barbieri defied classical informational conceptualizations of meaning in the biological realm while the discourse on meaning and agency and their respective (in)dependency on interpretation continues. Whereas the role of codes in agency is often secondary to other aspects, I present here a more consistent picture– integrating codes and artifacts to smoothly transcend from the world of mechanistic (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Technology diplomacy in early Communist China: the visit to the Jingjiang Flood Diversion Project in 1952.Yue Liang
    This article focuses on the 1952 visit to the Jingjiang Flood Diversion Project, the first large-scale water infrastructure built on the Yangzi river after the founding of the People's Republic of China, by a foreign delegation from the Asia-Pacific Peace Conference. Serving as a form of technology diplomacy, this trip advanced two main purposes for the newly established country – to build up closer ties with ‘foreign friends’ who advocated international peace in the context of the Korean War, and to (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Confirmation Bias in Argumentation Processes.Anatolii Konverskyi & Nataliia Kolotilova
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the study of confirmatory distortion as a cognitive bias within the framework of the modern theory of argumentation. In the context of this study, the effectiveness of the critical questioning technique as an argumentation strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact of confirmatory bias is considered. M e t h o d s. To achieve the goals of the research, the method of critical questions is (...)
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volume 2, issue 9, 2023
  1.  4
    Linguistic Problems in the Investigation of Chinese Philosophy.Нanna Hnatovska & Vasyl Havronenko
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the analysis of the key directions of the study of the possible influence of the specifics of Chinese language culture on the content and nature of intellectual discourse, which is recognized as philosophical. Logic and ontology are the key areas of analysis of the possible influence of linguistic determinants on the intellectual discourse of China. Three main topics that attract the attention of researchers are the (...)
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  2. The Concept of "Physical Object" in the History of Philosophy. Appropriateness of Application.Taras Kononenko & Yaroslav Sobolievskyi
    B a c k g r o u n d. According to the genre characteristics, the article is a form of publicizing analytical conclusions from the experience of research in the field of the history of philosophy in the local community of philosophers of Ukraine. The material for understanding was supplied from the environment of educational and scientific professional activity of the authors and was based on the long experience of using a certain type of historical and philosophical sources, which (...)
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  3.  5
    The Concept of Nature in the Works of American Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau.Hanna Liebiedieva
    B a c k g r o u n d. This article reveals the understanding of the concept of nature in the works of the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Henry David Thoreau is an American philosopher, poet, essayist, naturalist and political activist. Together with Ralph Waldo Emerson, his friend and mentor, he is considered one of the founders of the transcendentalist movement. Transcendentalism was a powerful movement of American philosophy of the 19th century. It was characterized by focusing on (...)
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  4. Religious Symbolism in Cinema: "Barbie".Oleksandr Pasichnik & Eugene Piletsky
    B a c k g r o u n d. Genre-wise the article is a form of publication of analytical conclusions resulting from researching religious symbolism within the movie. The material for interpretation was derived from mass media, in particular cinematography. The article describes religious symbolism within the movie "Barbie" (2023). It is made apparent that the wide array of religious symbols in modern cinema requires a new approach. M e t h o d s. Issues with defining religious symbolism (...)
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  5. Search for a New Metaphysics: The Concept of Philosophical Cosmology of Gilles Deleuze.Volodymyr Prykhodko
    B a c k g r o u n d. The purpose of this article is to reveal the concept of philosophical cosmology as a new metaphysics based on ideas proposed by Gilles Deleuze in his work "The Logic of Sense". For this, it is necessary to get rid of the interpretation of philosophical cosmology as an exclusively philosophical-scientific discipline and begin to perceive it as a basic theory of order that can replace ontology. To implement this strategy, Deleuze turns (...)
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  6. Interdisciplinary Aspects of Mental Disorders Classification Systems.Sergii Rudenko & Mykhailo Tasenko
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article demonstrates the development and influence of the main diagnostic systems in psychiatry, such as the DSM and the ICD, on the concept of psychiatric diseases. The problem of classification of psychiatric disorders is one of the main topics that is the field of study of the philosophy of psychiatry. The correct diagnosis within a particular diagnostic system directly affects the choice of appropriate drug treatment, psychotherapy and social support (...)
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  7. The Genesis of the Ordinary Language Philosophy and Some Modern Strategies of Criticism.Pavlo Sobolievskyi
    B a c k g r o u n d. The ordinary language philosophy should be considered as a set of different but interconnected research projects within the Anglo-American analytical philosophy of the first half and middle of the 20th century. A common factor for these studies is the application of the method of linguistic analysis of natural language expressions to solve many classical problems for philosophy. This method replaced the prevailing idealistic concepts, and was picked up and developed in (...)
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    A View of the Nature and Meaning of Human Existence in Chineseised Marxism.Vitalii Turenko
    B a c k g r o u n d. Sinicized Marxism involves the utilization of Marxist theory to address issues specific to China and the transformation of China's rich practical experience into theory, combined with Chinese history and traditional culture. This can be observed in the context of the exploration of philosophical-anthropological issues. M e t h o d s. The key methods employed to address the outlined tasks were comparative and dialectical. The use of the comparative method allowed (...)
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  9. Modern Ukrainian Philosophical Sinology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Classic and Innovative Ways to the Origins.Heorhii Vdovychenko
    B a c k g r o u n d. According to the genre characteristics, the article is a form of publicizing analytical conclusions from the experience of research in the field of the philosophical Chinese studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from 1991 to the present day. The material for understanding was supplied from the environment of scientific professional activity of prominent figures of Ukrainian philosophical Sinology from the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS (...)
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volume 24, issue 2, 2023
  1.  12
    An ethical analysis of a prospective new paradigm of life: Nanotechnology‐enabled human beings within the framework of principlism.Banu Buruk, Perihan Elif Ekmekci & Berna Arda
    Nanotechnology (NT)‐enabled disease‐free life is a form of reconstruction of the human body that promises a paradigm shift toward a new form of human existence in an imaginable life. However, as human reconstruction may be within the limits of the concept of “human enhancement,” it is not clear to what extent “enhanced humans” will be ethically acceptable or desired. This study discusses the ethical implications of NT‐embedded enhanced humans and this new imaginable life. First, ethical concerns arising from the existence (...)
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  2.  7
    A market for diagnostic devices for extreme point‐of‐care testing: Are we ASSURED of an ethical outcome?Mark Howard
    The World Health Organisation (WHO) is leading a global effort to deliver improved diagnostic testing to people living in low‐resource settings. A reliance on the healthcare technologies marketplace and industry, shapes many aspects of the WHO project, and in this situation normative guidance comes by way of the ASSURED criteria — Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User‐friendly, Rapid and robust, Equipment‐free, and Delivered. While generally improving access to diagnostics, I argue that the ASSURED approach to distributive justice — efficiency — and assessment (...)
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  3.  6
    Defining Malaysia's health research ethics system through a stakeholder driven approach.Sean Tackett, Chirk Jenn Ng, Jeremy Sugarman, Esther Gnanamalar Sarojini Daniel, Nishakanthi Gopalan, Tivyashinee Tivyashinee, Adeeba Kamarulzaman & Joseph Ali
    The need to understand the systems that support ethical health research has long been recognized, but there are limited descriptions of actual health research ethics (HRE) systems. Using participatory network mapping methods, we empirically defined Malaysia's HRE system. 13 Malaysian stakeholders identified 4 overarching and 25 specific HRE system functions and 35 actors internal and 3 external to the Malaysian HRE system responsible for those functions. Functions requiring the most attention were: advising on legislation related to HRE; optimizing research value (...)
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  4.  14
    Extreme poverty first: An argument on the equitable distribution of the COVID‐19 vaccine in Peru.Carlos Augusto Yabar
    Effective vaccines for COVID‐19 are already available to humankind. In Peru, 86 million doses were administered to cover the demand for 33 million Peruvian people. Hence, vaccination has been prioritized in groups: health personnel, subjects with pre‐existing health conditions and those over 65 years of age. However, given the social problems and the public health situation in Peru, this work defends that the priority of vaccination should be focused on the population living in extreme poverty. The method used was an (...)
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  5.  10
    La pobreza extrema es prioridad: Un argumento sobre la distribución equitativa de la vacuna contra el COVID‐19 en Perú.Carlos Augusto Yabar
    La humanidad ya dispone de vacunas eficaces contra el COVID‐19. En Perú se administraron 86 millones de dosis para cubrir la demanda de 33 millones de peruanos. Para ello, se ha priorizado la vacunación en grupos clave: personal de salud, sujetos con condiciones de salud preexistentes y mayores de 65 años. Sin embargo, dada la problemática social y la situación de la salud pública en Perú, este trabajo defiende que la prioridad de la vacunación debe centrarse en la población que (...)
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  6.  4
    Population, abortion, contraception, and the relation between biopolitics, bioethics, and biolaw in Iran.Kiarash Aramesh
    The Islamic government of Iran recently passed and announced a new law titled “Rejuvenation of the Population and Protection of the Family.” This legislation is a noteworthy example of biopolitics‐influenced biolaw. In terms of abortion, contraception, prenatal screening, and population control, this law clearly contrasts with women's fundamental rights and freedoms and has significant health‐related consequences for different sectors of the population. A historical review of the population policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran shows the occurrence of multiple abrupt (...)
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  7.  8
    Un ensayo clínico no ético y la politización de la pandemia de COVID‐19 en Brasil: El caso de Prevent Senior.Fernando Hellmann & Núria Homedes
    ResumenEl Senado Federal de Brasil creó una Comisión Parlamentaria de Investigación (CPI) para investigar las irregularidades del gobierno de Bolsonaro en la gestión de la pandemia de COVID‐19. Uno de los casos que llamó la atención fue la investigación llevada a cabo por Prevent Senior, una empresa privada de seguros de salud, sobre el tratamiento temprano de COVID‐19. Este artículo analiza la validez científica de la investigación y los problemas éticos relacionados con su implementación. Se basa en un análisis del (...)
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  8.  10
    Why do healthcare researchers in South Asia publish in predatory journals? A scoping review.Komal Kashyap, Asmat Ara Islam & Joris Gielen
    Predatory journals offer the promise of prompt publication to those willing to pay the article submission or processing fee. However, these journals do not offer rigorous peer review. Studies have shown that a substantial share of corresponding authors in predatory journals come from South Asia, particularly India. This scoping review aims to assess what is known about the reasons why healthcare researchers working in South Asia publish in predatory journals. 66 reports (14 editorials, 20 letters, 5 research reports, 10 opinion (...)
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  9.  3
    The indigenous African cultural value of human tissues and implications for bio‐banking.David Nderitu & Claudia Emerson
    Bio‐banking in research elicits numerous ethical issues related to informed consent, privacy and identifiability of samples, return of results, incidental findings, international data exchange, ownership of samples, and benefit sharing etc. In low and middle income (LMICs) countries the challenge of inadequate guidelines and regulations on the proper conduct of research compounds the ethical issues. In addition, failure to pay attention to underlying indigenous worldviews that ought to inform issues, practices and policies in Africa may exacerbate the situation. In this (...)
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  10.  7
    The difficult path to euthanasia in Ecuador: A call for actions for other nations.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Jorge Vasconez-Gonzalez & Juan S. Izquierdo-Condoy
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  11.  14
    Medically Assisted Dying in the Global South.Udo Schuklenk
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forthcoming articles
  1. The philosophy of emotions: Implementing character education through poetry.Kristian Guttesen
    This paper investigates the concept of emotion and its relevance to education via character education through the medium of poetry. The objective is to demonstrate the potential implementation of character education through poetry, and to show the intrinsic link between poetry and virtue, knowledge and reasoning. It is argued that poetry serves as a bridge between emotion and character education. The philosophy of emotions is explored through the works of Aristotle, Karin Bohlin and David Carr. Character education is understood in (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1.  35
    Graded Causation and Moral Responsibility.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss & Matthias Rolffs
    Theories of graded causation attract growing attention in the philosophical debate on causation. An important field of application is the controversial relationship between causation and moral responsibility. However, it is still unclear how exactly the notion of graded causation should be understood in the context of moral responsibility. One question is whether we should endorse a proportionality principle, according to which the degree of an agent’s moral responsibility is proportionate to their degree of causal contribution. A second question is whether (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Del autopercatamiento corporal a la experiencia de alteridad en el propio cuerpo, el caso de la somatoparafrenia.Maria Clara Garavito
    Los pacientes con somatoparafrenia reportan que una extremidad no les pertenece. En filosofía, esta psicopatología motiva la discusión sobre el autopercatamiento, entendido como el sentido de propiedad que acompaña nuestras experiencias mentales. También motiva reflexiones sobre el autopercatamiento corporal; es decir, sobre la experiencia de un miembro como parte del propio cuerpo. Propongo que la somatoparafrenia involucra una dimensión intercorporal anómala. A diferencia de otras patologías de la espacialidad del cuerpo, en la somatoparafrenia se gana alteridad dentro de los límites (...)
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